June 2, 2008

Rookie Camp!!!

It's Monday morning and I miss everybody already. It's WRONG starting camp for a weekend and then having to wait a full MONTH before we get things started again. I'm ready now! It's cruel to tease me so...

The problem is that we had too much fun. I blame the kids. And Jimmy, Danielle, Ryan and Sarah for being such excellent counselors. Everybody was awesome. And even though it was supposed to thunderstorm all day Saturday, it didn't and we spent almost the entire day outside. We Polar Bear-ed, camp fire-d, and bbq'd. We canoed, kayaked, and arched (sp?). We built sand sculptures, and played soccer, volleyball, basketball and capture the flag. We did as much as we could do in 46-hours.

Enjoy the photos gang...

Helene's first ever experience in a kayak...and handling it like a champ.

Connor getting some archery instruction from Ryan, and James taking aim.

Henry showing off some impressive athletic skills and his brother Teddy zigging and zagging somewhere in the background.

Jared showing off his catch.

(l-r) Yoav, Teddy, Eidan, and Henry...brothers from 2 families unite to build a sea turtle and co-hold the sand sculpture crown.

The Ladies showing off their fish that earned them co-holders of the sand sculpture crown.
(l-r) Helene, Natalia, Charlotte, Ariel, and Nicole

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